Dit is een systeem om te helpen bij het beheer van ziekten. Webgebaseerd DSS dat helpt bij het timen van spuittoepassingen en de juiste dosering voor elke situatie berekent.
Field Manager is een compleet hulpmiddel voor het plannen van toepassingen, het optimaliseren van uw gewasinputs en het maximaliseren van de gewasgezondheid, zowel op veld- als op zoneniveau. Field Manager maakt gebruik van meer dan 25 jaar landbouwkundige gegevens en expertise en biedt winstgevende inzichten in de gewasproductie voor maïs, sojabonen, wintertarwe, zomertarwe en koolzaad. Samen met uw gewasinformatie bewaakt xarvio Field Manager de milieuomstandigheden om de gezondheid van planten en ziektestress tijdens het groeiseizoen te voorspellen. Dit zodat u kunt beschikken over waarschuwingen en betrouwbare, uitvoerbare aanbevelingen om uw bedrijfsresultaat te verbeteren.
Support provided online
FIELD MANAGER Basic is Free.
Includes access to Field Manager Premium for 2 fields**
Field weather – now, forecasts & history
Hourly to plan your activities (temperature, rain, wind & sunshine)
Integrate your own weather station
Access to historic climate data for your fields
Cross compliant documentation & season reports
Central hub to document & view your activities
Create a PDF season report for your entire farm
Field-maps visualization & analysis
Visualization to analyze your zone-specific seeding, fertilization, crop protection, growth regulator & yield maps
Upload your maps from your hard drive, via USB stick or wirelessly with MyJohnDeere
Share your fields & organize your team
Share your observations, field insights & tasks between your employees, consultants, contractors or distributors – on all devices
Create field management zones
Create flat rate application maps
xarvio SCOUTING App integration
Just take a picture to identify problems on your field & have it documented in FIELD MANAGER.
**Currently the first 2 fields you create(d), you can choose with one of the next updates.
Annual subscription per farm
(excl. VAT)
Regular current biomass maps – based on satellite data
See the biomass development in each field zone
Compare the success of different crop production strategies
Field-zone-specific variable fertilization maps
Variable fertilization maps for N, P & K, ready for most terminals
Historical yield potential maps – satellite & own data
Visualize the yield potential of the zones in your fields
Compare the current field performance with previous seasons
Compare field-zone maps next to each other
Compare e.g. fertilization maps with biomass development
Monitor & measure the success of your agronomic decisions
Variable seeding maps
Optimize the seeding rate to your yield potential & soil zones
Optimized crop protection - Spray Timer1
Field specific prediction for disease risk
Profitable and sustainable crop protection through optimal fungicide timing recommendations
Protect only when disease risk is increasing and critical growth stages are approaching where yield loss is probable
Optimized crop protection - Spray Timer with Plant Health2
Protect when environmental crop stress on plant health is present and/or disease risk is increasing and critical growth stages are approaching where yield loss is probable
Optimized crop protection - Zone Spray3
Create On-Off fungicide application maps for up to 5 zones based on satellite data & biomass calculations
Only spray where it pays
xarvio scouting can be downloaded free.
Field Manager - Spray Timer monitors the plant health (abiotic) stress, like drought or heat, and the disease risk and growth stages for each of your fields
Field-specific risk alerts & fungicide application timing recommendations are provided when yield potential is threatened
Field Manager - Zone Spray provides you with a tool to create On-Off application maps based on current biomass to avoid applying fungicides in areas with lower yield potential in wheat and canola.
Regardless of whether you have a quick question about managing your fields or a technical problem, xarvio Customer Support is available to help in the USA - usa@xarvio.info.
Cloud based. App.