Technical Specification
Technology Readiness Level
Farm Scale Types
Big scale, Small scale
Production Systems
Greenhouse, Open field
Technique Types
Application techniques, Diagnostics and detection techniques, Monitoring techniques
Application Ranges
Bacteria, Beneficials, Fungi, Insects, Mites, Nematodes, Others, Viruses
Company Name
Grupo Hispatec Informática Empresarial S.A.
Country Origin
Contact Person
Pascual Romera Mateos
Special Requirement
Need for a special agricultural landscape
Need Special Training


CampoGest is a mobile APP with a wide range of functionalities that can be configured according to the agronomist needs. One of these functionalities is the scouting and recommendations, which allows a fluid communication between advisors and farmers related to the identification of pests and diseases and the use of the most efficient treatment solution. By using CampoGest, the agronomist can select the product and indicate the application rate to the field technician. However, CampoGest includes a much broader range of features for the day to day farm business.

For More Information
Crops Used
  • Orchards
  • Vegetable crops (Melons, Tomatoes, Strawberries, etc.)
Crops Possible
  • All
Countries Used
  • Chile
  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • Spain
Tech Requirement Comment


Landscape Comment

No comment

Training Comment

Trainning action for knowing the workflow and the process to apply. Agronomists and workers involved on the phytosanitary / biological applications.

Cost Detail

It depends of the amount of users.

Example Cases/Additional information

farmers that work mainly in fruits and vegetables.

Media Files
Attached Files
MicrosoftTeams-image (10).png
MicrosoftTeams-image (10).png