The EcoDis solution can be used for dispensing and distributing living organisms, such as different life-stages of beneficial insects and mites.
With the help of the EcoDis System mounted onto a tractor it is possible for the grower to cover large areas evenly - even without the need to hire a trained drone operator.
The device ensures that the distribution of the macrobials is performed in an
optimum way:
The solution requires simply a boom that the EcoDis unit can be attached to.
Outdoors the solution can be installed on a tractor mounted steel boom or sprayer boom. It is also possible to mount the solution on an lighter vehicle such as an ATV or UTV. Indoors the system can be installed on sprayer or irrigation boom or other types of boom systems.
The system is battery powered from 12V batteries.
Options to select program and start/stop devices with the help of a mobile app.
The solution is well suited for:
- open-field (e.g., strawberries, vegetables)
- greenhouse mobile benches (e.g., ornamentals, herbs)
- potential adaptation to other systems
There are no particular training requirements to use the system.
Detailed guidelines are provided with the solution.
The total cost depends on several factors, such as:
- You can achieve a higher level of biological protection – avoid need for spraying of insecticides (up to 100%)
- Achieve more with less macrobials (potential material saving of more than 60%)
- Spend less time on treatments (potential time saving up to 80%)
Please contact Ecobotix directly for more information on pricing, distributors and other type of relvant infomations.
Jellemzően a ragadozó atkák egy része a meglévő mechanikus szórási rendszer (például a levélfúvó típusú rendszerek) által okozott véletlenszerű elpusztítás vagy károsítás miatt veszik el. A minőségcsökkenés akár 50%-os teljesítménycsökkenést is elérhet. Az EcoDis megoldással nem tapasztaljuk a ragadozó atkák pusztulását, így a hasznos atkák teljes hatása várható!