SmartProtect project intends to develop a thematic network offering advanced farming technology and data analysis, by identifying the needs of farmers and purpose methodologies for daily practices based on smart IPM. Through its e-platform, knowledge for vegetable crops related to IPM is gathered, shared, managed and distributed. It benchmarks the highest innovation model for SMART IPM, providing farmers with easily accessible and understandable material, guidelines and support systems for vegetable cropping.
The website of the project is SmartProtect H2020 – IPM THEMATIC NETWORK (
For any further questions please contact
This SmartProtect platform has been developed only using published material from different open access sources. The main objective of the SmartProtect platform is to facilitate the dissemination of useful information for a better IPM application, and has no any commercial or comparative purposes. If you do not agree with the dissemination of the information, please contact us at